Quoting Brian Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Interesting...VERY interesting.

> This strikes me as a task where creating new elements may be less
> gremlin-prone than cloning.
> Michael Geary's "Easy DOM Creation" plugin might make it easier to write a
> function that creates the appropriate DOM tree branch.
> http://mg.to/2006/02/27/easy-dom-creation-for-jquery-and-prototype
> - Brian
> > I'm working with recipes and I want to use some jQuery goodness to clone a
> > DOM construct that will contain a few form fields so that adding
> > ingredients
> > is easy, and fun. I thought that it would be pretty easy to code but it's
> > giving me some trouble and I wanted to see if you guys could help me out.
> >
> > My HTML:
> > <ol id="ingList">
> >     <li class="ingredient"><input type="text" name="ing_01"><input
> > type="button" class="addIng" value="+"></li>
> > </ol>
> >
> > Here's the jQ code I have thus far:
> > $(document).ready( function(){
> >     $('#ingList .ingredient .addIng').click( function() {
> >             $('#ingList 
> > .ingredient').clone().appendTo('#ingList:last-child');
> >
> >     });
> > });
> >
> > The goal is that the user would fill the first field then click the "+"
> > button. Then the following would occur:
> >
> > 1) Clone current LI tag
> > 2) Append it to itself.
> > 3) Clear the value from the form field
> > 4) Increment the name value of the form element, ing_01, ing_02, etc.
> > 5) Lastly, remove the plus button from the elemet just previous to the new
> > one.
> >
> > I'm working with various jQ methods but I can't seem to get this working.
> > Does anyone have input on this?
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