On 21/12/06, Klaus Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> jpl schrieb:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a form with 5 checkboxes and 5 text inputs. Each checkbox is related 
> > to a
> > text input.
> > I want a checkbox to be checked when its related text input is clicked... 
> > easy
> > with jquery:
> > $("#text_input_id").click( function() { $("#checkbox_id").get(0).checked = 
> > true;
> > } );
> >
> > But I have a problem doing this in a loop. Here is a test case with
> > jquery-1.0.4, FF 2.0:
> >
> > <html> <head> <script src="jquery.js"> </script> </head> <body>
> > <form>
> >     <input type="checkbox" name="a" id="a" value="1" /> <input type="text"
> > name="a_date" id="a_date" />
> >     <input type="checkbox" name="b" id="b" value="1" /> <input type="text"
> > name="b_date" id="b_date" />
> > </form>
> > <script>
> > $(document).ready(function() {
> >     for each (var name in ["a", "b"]) {
> >         $("#"+name+"_date").click( function () {
> >             $("#"+name).get(0).checked = true;
> >             //alert(name);
> >         });
> >     }
> > });
> > </script>
> > </body> </html>
> >
> > It seems like the creation of the function to bind is defered: it is always 
> > the
> > last checkbox that is checked, whatever the text input I clicked on.
> >
> > What is the problem? Should I do this in another way?
> > How could I easily debug what is bound on document load?
> First of all I have never seen a "for each in" loop in JavaScript. That
> should give you an error on the console. Second if you meant a for in
> loop: do not use these for Arrays.
> For debugging try the excellent FireBug extension.
> Here's how I would do it. You don't need that id overhead and let's say
> you give the containing form an id of "my-form":
> $(function() {
>      $('#my-form [EMAIL PROTECTED]"text"]').each(function() {
>          $(this).focus(function() {
>             $(this).prev('input').eq(0).get(0).checked = true;
>          });
>      });
> });
> Note that I use focus here for people using the keyboard (tab) instead
> of the mouse.
> -- Klaus

Can't you cut the amount of code down even further (you don't need to
use each, then focus)?

$(function() {
    $('#my-form [EMAIL PROTECTED]"text"]').focus(function() {

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