Not only because I can't find an appropriate subject line, but also because I can't find the issue with the following code (it's not jQuery related - I beg for mercy):
var myThoughts =
   color:  'Blue'
   , name: 'Felix'
   , food: 'Lasagna'

var myMemory = {};

for (var i in myThoughts)
   myMemory[i] = function()
       return this['thought'];
myMemory[i]['thought'] = i+': '+myThoughts[i];

for (var j in myMemory)
   console.log('Remember: '+j);
   console.log('Result: '+myMemory[j].call(myMemory[j]));

I would expect this to return the following:
Remember: color
Result: color: Blue
Remember: name
Result: name: Felix
Remember: food
Result: food: Lasagna

But instead I am getting:
Remember: color
Result: food: Lasagna
Remember: name
Result: food: Lasagna
Remember: food
Result: food: Lasagna

Tested this in FF 2.0 with the Firebug extension. I feel like I must have missed something embarrassing stupid, but I really need to know what it is ; ).

-- Felix
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