
>    function addScript( url ) {
>       var script = document.createElement( 'script' );
>       script.type = 'text/javascript';
>       script.charset = 'utf-8';
>       script.src = url;
>       document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild( script );
>    };

There are safari-versions which don't eval scripts like that. That is the 
reason, why jspax uses XMLHttpRequest and eval() if possible and inserts a 
script tag if XMLHttpRequest is not available (that deffinatelly is not that 
Safari version then).

> addScript('jquery.js');

And then you guess the time when jquery is loaded. You can not expect that 
jQuery is available when addScript returns. With jsPax you use

$using('jquery',function() {
        alert('jQuery is now available');

> I would recommend doing a search on the Nabble mailing list page for this,
> as it has been covered many times before.

Yes, and we had the problem with Safari in almost every thread about this 
issue. We also had the problem of knowing the moment, the script has been 
loaded almost in every one of those threads.

Sorry Dan, but I thought you really should have come across those issues.


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