On Jan 4, 2007, at 17:22, Brandon Aaron wrote:

> I'm not actually able to reproduce the flicker on Firefox 2 on mac or
> Firefox 1.5 on pc with either link. However, I do believe it is
> possible to have a flicker if the system is bogged down and here is
> why.

The flicker only happens with link using jQuery 1.0.4. Mac FF Safari seems to be ok with me.


> What you are seeing is that during a 'show' operation, the element is
> set to display: block, caches the original height and then resets the
> height to 0 to being the animation to its original height.

This sound correct. When calling slideDown it first quickly shows  
full contents. Then hides it again before doing the slideDown.

Mika Tuupola

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