Excellent job, Yehuda! It's looking fantastic! Love the shorter title bar and the wider text area.

Looks like Jörn's Methods plugin is showing up in the JavaScript section, but unless it's moving into core, it should probably go in the Plugins section.

Keep up the great work!

Karl Swedberg

On Jan 7, 2007, at 10:17 PM, Yehuda Katz wrote:

Hey guys,

I've been listening to all of the feedback I've gotten about Visual jQuery, and I've built a new version that I believe responds to many of those concerns:
* a dramatically reduced title-bar (20px high)
* a "path" in the titlebar indicating the current location in the API tree
* the "text" area takes up the full remaining area of the screen
* if the "text" area is less than 350px wide, it expands a column, pushing the remaining columns to the left * you can move columns off to the left to get more space for text (even if it has not automatically expanded) * selecting an node automatically jumps up to the top of the screen (specifically useful for automatically getting to the top of "text" areas) * the rendering is done differently, so the normal drawbacks of nesting are no longer present

Check it out at:


Note that there are still some bugs, so I won't get upset if you report them. Just tell me exactly what you did and what went wrong.

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
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