On 08/01/07, Olaf Bosch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, thank you all for 1.1
> i begin to testing, this works in 1.0.4
> $(document).ready(function() {
>   $('textarea').each(function(i) {
>   $(this).id('area_'+i).after('<span
> id="gro_'+i+'">gr&ouml;&szlig;er<\/span>');
>   });
> FireBug say "$(this).id is not a function"
> What is to do?
> --
> Viele Grüße, Olaf
> -------------------------------
> http://olaf-bosch.de
> www.akitafreund.de
> -------------------------------

It was taken out of jQuery 1.1. Try

$(this).attr('id', 'area_'+i)

Which should also work in jQuery 1.0.4

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