Ok. I give Up. I need to know the height of certain images in my page to be
able to format it and I've tried several workarounds like this function that
I call right before my verJustify() function (yeah, a function that lets me
justify vertically all divs in my page, just like the plug in):

* Calculates the height of every image in the selection.
* Necesary for vertical justifying purposes.
* Has to be called before verJustify().
* @see verJustify()
* @example calHeight("#left");
* @param string query - The selection to be precalculated
* @return none
function calHeight(query){
   query = query + " img";
     $(this).css("height", $(this).css("height"));

The problem with my layout is that basically every image's size is set
dinamically when the page loads. Like a liquid layout but instead of using
CSS and text, with a lot of images and JavaScript.

My theory was: ok, if Firefox doesn't calculate the width of an image before
the formatting of the page, maybe i can force it to do it.
It works for some things but not for others and I don't know what else to
try. The funny thing is that, in debugging mode, if I set a breakpoint to
this function and then just let it execute, it works perfectly, but if I
don't pause it manually it seems like there's not enough time to calculate
every image's height.

¿Any suggestions?
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