Try the ThickBox plug-in. It's meant just for that sort of thing. :o)


Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been using $.blockUI with my ajax and image load events very 
> successfully. Thanks this is a great tool.
> I need a modal dialog that ask if the user wants to save data or 
> continue without saving. I created a div with two buttons the and click 
> events on them to save or continue. And this works if I do something like:
> $(function() {
>      $.blockUI($('#dialog')[0]);
>      alert("Hello!");
> });
> The dialog opens, the UI is blocked, and clicking on the buttons works 
> as expected, and the alert is shown after the dialog is dismissed.
> The problem is that when I move this code into my application blockUI is 
> not blocking.
>          function save_form_data(ask) {
> console.debug("save_form_data: ask="+ask+", form_dirty="+form_dirty);
>              if (!form_dirty) return;
>              // ask the user if they want to save it
>              if (ask) {
> // ****** this sequence does not block **************
> console.debug("action_save: calling blockUI");
>                  $.blockUI($('#dirtyFormMessage')[0]);
> console.debug("action_save: returned from  blockUI");
>              }
>              else
>                  action_save();
>          }
> I'm running this mornings svn, FF 2.0.1 and it probably only works in FF.
> Anyone have some thoughts on this?
> You can test it here, sorry, it is not nearly as nice as the code I see 
> others generating:
> 1) click the "GO"
> 2) click on the map image will enter data in IX, IY
> 3) click "NEXT"
> This should bring up a dialog with a "SAVE_IT" and "CONTINUE" button 
> that should block until one of the buttons is clicked.
> -Steve
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