> Does using the compatibility plugin reduce the
> speed increases realized with the 1.1 release?

I doubt anyone has benchmarked it to give a definitive answer, but you
should still get most of the benefit of the faster 1.1 selectors with 1.0x
code. In other words, don't worry about speed issues with the compat plugin.
Just change your code to eliminate the need for the compat plugin when you
get the chance. 

Also note that the compat plugin does not hide the change that element
numbering starts from 1 now (per the CSS spec) rather than 0. If you are
using selectors like :even/:odd or hard counts like :eq(2) those will have
to be changed regardless. (This couldn't be easily wrapped because you might
be using a plugin that assumed 0 but your own code assumed 1!)

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