
> > Maybe it has to do with your security-setings in IE. You need to allow
> > scripts
> > to access "secure" ActiveX-Controls, as you need for all ajax stuff.
> > Otherwise there will of course not be any chance to get an XMLHttpRequest
> > object.
> But that cannot be the case because I tested your page and it worked...
> so my IE security-settings must be OK for jsPAX.

Maybe IE sorts your local files in another security domain. You can of course 
have completely different settings for different machines.

> Could you please confirm that the page you see in FF and IE both show
> colored code?

Yes. I have not had coloured text in Konqueror (Linux), IE 5.0 (Linux/Wine) 
and Opera 7.54 (WindowsXP) that is all. All others I have checked with now 
have the colours (FF 2, Opera 9, IE 5.5, IE 6 , IE 7 all with Linux and Wine 
and FF 2 and IE 7 with Windows XP).

> You'll begin to think I'm pedant, but in FF I see colored 
> code, no matter if I reload.

I think, that IE is awkward ;-) I have strange behaviour of IE 7 with other 
web applications as well so don't bother.

> On the contrary, in IE7 I can see at first 
> black code, and after a reload the page disappears and the progress bar
> keeps loading, and loading, and loading... (it never stops)

Hm, I see the colours before and after reloading both with Windows XP and with 
Wine. Reloading is no problem with IE 7 here as well. It just works as 
expected. It looks as if problems with the coloring code and reloading 
problems relate to each other somehow.


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