Rey Bango schrieb:
> As promised, I've compiled the list of sites using jQuery and have 
> posted them up to the site. You can see the full list here:
> I've done my best to get everyone that sent me submissions. If I've 
> missed someone, please don't hesitate to buzz me and I'll add your site 
> in. Also, if I've made any mistakes on a site listing, please let me 
> know and I'll get it corrected ASAP.
> Thanks again for all of the submissions.
> Rey...

Rey, there's one really cool usage missing, or maybe I should say 
spinoff: Why uses a recoded (in C) jQuery parse engine for Hpricot, a 
HTML parser for Ruby.

Isn't that worth mentioning on the jQuery page?

The coolest thing is, that we're know experimenting to use this for 
RSpec (BDD for Ruby), that means if I want to test views I can use 
selectors I'm used to in all these tests (for example if I want to test 
if a certain element exists on the page).

I love jQuery (and Rails...).

-- Klaus

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