Well I figured out a workaround:

All I had to do was use this code courtesy of

$('a#toggle').click(function() {
return false;

works perfectly, with no jitter :

Frustrating as I downloaded the Interface plugin
thinking it would simplify things, but I can use the
built in jquery function and have it work with no
problems. Crazy how that works sometimes, I guess!
Would be nice to know why the Interface code adds
unsightly jitters and moves the div around sometimes.


--- Kim Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I'm using the slide effect in the Interface library,
> and am having a bit of a problem. Rather than create
> a
> test page, how about look at the real one?
> For testing purposes I set up two of the icons to do
> what I needed (final design won't be like this, of
> course). Click the AIM icon first. Tag of importance
> on that icon:
> onClick="$('#messengers').SlideInUp(500);
> Click the MSN icon next for this tag;
> $('#messengers').SlideOutUp(500);
> Notice that when SlideInUp is called, there's a
> jittery look. SlideOutUp has no such jitter. 
> I know this is minor, but it's really bugging me and
> I'd like it to be smooth. It does this in both
> IE6/firefox. After quite awhile of browsing the best
> tip I could find is to put margin-top: 0 in the
> first
> element of the affected area... I did this both for
> the div in question and the containing div (the
> containing div being used solely to position, due to
> irritating cross browser issues).. alas, it didn't
> help any. 
> THe only way I can get rid of the jitter, it seems,
> is
> to add clear:both to a div after, or to the div that
> contains the inner div. I'd like to not have to do
> that, as then the bio text doesn't wrap around the
> image as I'd like it to.
> Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
> Oh, and also while i'm here, anyone know how I'd
> modify this so if you click once it unhides, click
> again and it hides? I know I can physically check to
> see if #messengers has a tag of, say, display: none,
> but am not sure how hide() can work with that to do
> the same thing. 
> thanks!
> -kim
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