On 1/23/07, Kelvin Luck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for the feedback. I'm afraid I can't reproduce your problem
> though... For me (IE6 and FF2 on WinXP) when you click an arrow it moves
> immediately, pauses, moves, pauses and then starts moving quite
> smoothly... Actually, I just noticed that this is slightly different to
> the default behaviour on Windows and so I've changed it so that it now
> only pauses once briefly after the first movement,

For me it still behaves the same.
If I click with 1 sec intervals, only some clicks have any effect on
the scrollbar (like 1 in ~3, feels like it was accumulating the time
in clicked state). But each click is being recognized because the
arrows change to pressed state.
Before I wrote about it I checked also in Opera, and it is consistent,
so I assumed it must be js issue, not a browser quirk. I am on Linux,
that's true, but I don't think it's an issue here.

Interesting that you cannot reproduce it, I will try to debug it then.


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