On 25/01/07, Christopher Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry for the off-topic post, but I know that css tends to get discussed
> a lot around here, and I'm sure someone here will know what I'm doing wrong.
> Okay, so I've got a div that contains a single <p> tag. In FF
> this text is vertically centered inside the div. In IE 6, it is not. So,
> I can fix IE by including a line-height equal to the height of the
> parent div. Fine, but that screws up FF. It seems that conditional
> comments are the solution for me, but I think I'm not using them right,
> because they're not working.
> Here's my code:
> ---- snip from css ----
> div.SiteHeader{
>     border: 1px solid #336566; /*AAAAAA*/
>     width: 850px;
>     background-color: #E3F0D6; /*D5F0D5,CDD9E5*/
>     height: 60px;
>     text-align: left;
>     margin: auto;
>     <!--[if IE 6]>
>         line-height: 60px;
>     <![endif]-->
> }
> p.SiteHeaderText{
>     font-size: 20px;
>     font-weight: bold;
>     color: #3F6F5E; /*#698DB0 (light), #5880A7 (darker), #4F7396 (darker
> still), #466686 (darkest yet)*/
>     padding-left: 5px;
> }
> ---- end snip ----
> ---- the html ----
> <div class="SiteHeader">
>     <p class="SiteHeaderText">Cottonwood Financial Web Administation</p>
> </div>
> Am I not using the conditional comments correctly? This is my first
> attempt at ever using them.
> I should also mention I'm using the following DocType:
> "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd";>
> I'd appreciate any help.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> --
> http://cjordan.info

Create a new stylesheet containing your IE hacks (i.e. ie.css) and in
the head of your html page (if it is needed for IE7 as well, use
<!--[if IE]> instead):

<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="ie.css" type="text/css" />

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