Hey Rick:

It's not "Vdiv", it's a "\" + "/div".  ;)  The forward slash is used
to escape various characters like a back slash, quotation marks, etc.

Basically what the below script does is turn:

<div class="rounded">CONTENT</div>


<div class="roundedcornr_box_grey">
    <div class="roundedcornr_top_grey">
    <div class="roundedcornr_content_grey">
    <div> class="roundedcornr_bottom_grey">

The DOM structure comes from the "Basic RoundedCornr" section of
http://roundedcornr.com/ as well as the CSS and images.

I will forward you the website in a separate email.


On 1/26/07, Rick Faircloth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey, Shane... I'm not a CSS guru by any means, so...
> what is a "Vdiv"?
> And... do you have a sample of this CSS rounding working online
> that I can view?
> Rick
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Shane Graber - jQuery
> Sent: Friday, January 26, 2007 9:59 AM
> To: jQuery Discussion.
> Subject: Re: [jQuery] jquery.corner.js freezes IE6
> I noticed the same thing when trying to implement it for a site and
> eventually gave up with the plugin.  I ended up going to
> roundedcornr.com and used the corner images generated there +
> generated CSS and used jQuery to modify the DOM to accept the
> rounding:
>     $(".round")
>         .wrap("<div class=\"roundedcornr_box_grey\"><\/div>")
>         .before("<div class=\"roundedcornr_top_grey\"><div><\/div><\/div>")
>         .after("<div
> class=\"roundedcornr_bottom_grey\"><div><\/div><\/div>")
>         .removeClass()
>         .addClass("roundedcornr_content_grey");
> That worked fine for me.  I would have preferred a plugin but, hey,
> this worked and it was acceptable in the use case that I needed.  :P
> Shane
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