thanks! while few of us run winbatch... I'm sure the keys will help
any people who finds themselves in the same boat!

On 1/26/07, Gerry Danen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK,
> This is the WinBatch code - see for product info:
> ;       ----- change intranet.something to staff.something for IE users, but
> ONLY if it is intranet.something -----
> ;       26 Jan 07
> startpage = RegQueryValue(@REGCURRENT,"Software\Microsoft\Internet
> Explorer\Main[Start Page]")
> leftsp = strsub(startpage, 1, 27)
> if leftsp == "http://intranet.something"; then
>         RegKey1=RegOpenKey(@REGCURRENT,"Software\Microsoft\Internet 
> Explorer\Main")
>         RegSetValue(RegKey1,"[Start Page]","http://staff.something";)
> endif
> The key is [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet
> Explorer\Main] and the entry is "Start Page".
> Gerry
> On 1/26/07, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Share the key with others, and so it can go down into the archives.
> > You can't be the only person who will need this!
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