Jörn! Great job! I've book marked it in place of the old one (which I use quite often). :o)

Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
According to the feedback I got via IRC and on this list, there are several people using my API browser (so far known as api-draft).

This feedback gave me the motivation to further improve the browser (including a few more plugins), and to create an official release.

The time has come: *http://jquery.bassistance.de/api-browser/*

My own tests yielded good results in Firefox 2.0, Opera 9 and IE6: The browser works quite consistent with and without JavaScript. Of course it is recommended to view it with JavaScript, because you get:

    *     Tabbed navigation
    *     Treeview on categories
    *     Quicksearch on both navigation and main content
    *     code highlighting for both HTML and JavaScript snippets
    *     a vertical splitter that allows you to resize
      navigation/content panes
    *     highlighting selected methods in the content
    *     styled tooltips for method arguments

Without JavaScript, the browser still provides both categorized and alphabetic navigation, and to a certain extend, bookmarks.

The issue with bookmarks is this: The first time you visit the browser, you can select any method and the location hash is properly updated. Once you bookmark the location, including the hash, and return to the site, it jumps to the correct method, but does not update the hash anymore on further navigations. This occurs in both IE and FF, Opera simply fails to jump to the correct method in the first place, but updates the hash on following clicks.

If you like the tool and want to use it in your daily jQuery development: there is a download link at the header of the browser.

Of course your feedback is still appreciated!
Jörn Zaefferer


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