Hello folks,

I seem to have a problem with a selector, which i have turned every  
way i could think of with no results, so i'm asking for your advice. I  
had this html (pared down):

<div id="rapide" class="res">
        <img src="itineraires/rapide_on.gif" width="540" height="459"  
border="0" alt="Le plus rapide" usemap="#rapide_Map" />

<div id="corres" class="res">
        <img src="itineraires/corres_off.gif" alt="Le moins de  
correspondances" width="540" height="66" />

<div id="ferre" class="res">
        <img src="itineraires/ferre_off.gif" alt="Ferré uniquement"  
width="540" height="66" />

I wanted a selector to trigger an action when either of the "off"  
images were clicked and tried:

        $(".res [EMAIL PROTECTED]").click( function() { // do sth });

which produces nothing.

        $(".res img").not("[EMAIL PROTECTED]").click( function() { // do sth });

otoh returns all 3 images.

And i had the same problem when i tried to test the usemap attribute  
instead. So what am i doing wrong?
(In the end, i added an id to the "on" image, which works. But i would  
rather have avoided that...)


   Stéphane Nahmani / sholby
   courriel : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   web      : http://www.sholby.net/

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