Alex Calara schrieb:
> Ah, that does it. It's a little laggy, you can resize the window all  
> day long with the columns adjusting and the footer stays exactly  
> where it started off, and then the moment you let go of the mouse  
> button, it snaps to the bottom of the longest column. I guess the  
> jQuery resize event only triggers once the window is officially  
> considered "RESIZED." This also explains the timer (is that 50ms?) on  
> Inman's original script, constantly remeasuring.

This is not because jQuery has implemented its own resize event, its 
just how browsers may implement the resize event. I said may, because in 
IE you will get a much smoother handling, because resize fires 
constantly while resizing, not after like in Mozilla.

It won't even make a difference if you use a timer instead I found. It's 
still not smooth and execution still mostly waits for the resizing 

-- Klaus

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