1 extremely simple perl program ! gets foreign pages, rss, basically anything!

On 1/31/07, Olaf Bosch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ schrieb:
> You might get some extra hits by remote-ajaxing the page and checking
>  the headers to see if the page uses a non-standard favicon.
> Link: <images/mce_favicon.ico>; rel="SHORTCUT ICON"

Thanks Jake, this is not in context to the XML-Problem!? This is for
check of favicon exist!?

Then, this is good idea, if not good for the plugin. You must have a
PHP-File, or what, for check the exist!?
I have no Plugin see that this form used.

Otherwise i have 2 methods tested this to real in the Plugin, the
function works, but not in the context of the flow. See this 2 files:

here are the check of Favicon exist in a function, the check do to late
after the JQuery script!!!

here are the check in the JQuery script, check set all to false
default image was added

Viele Grüße, Olaf


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