Mark Harwood schreef:
> Im trying to get my head around jQuery again, this time im wanting to 
> create a simple show hide system.
> I have a simple UL base menu and a couple of SPANs within a DIV which i 
> wish to show/hide depending on which link is clicked.
> Im unsure as to the best way of creating a custom function for doing so, 
> i wish to pass thru the ID of the div i want to show and then hide any 
> others that are shown, similar to the accordion plugin.
> Anyone able to help?
simplest way i can think of is giving all the divs a class and then you 
could use

       // to catch the id of the div
       // to hide and show

i'm not sure if $('div.class').not(this).hide() would work too?

David Duymelinck

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