Giuliano Marcangelo schrieb:
> Klaus,
> how about you doing some tutorials......
> MasterKlausses ??????
> :-)

Giuliano, thanks for the appreciation! So far nobody has asked... But I 
have actually written an article for the upcoming Visual jQuery magazine 
("Hijaxing with jQuery"). By now it is pretty outdated, so I'd like to 
update it and then if a next issue won't ever come out, I'd be happy to 
"publish" that elsehow, at least on my own blog.

I'd like to write jQuerials, but on the other hand, I still have to 
develop the tabs plugin, I'm volunteering with Jörn to maintain and 
develop Thickbox and well - I'm pretty busy with the Plazes rewrite 
which will be relaunched in April. And after all, I'm not even part of 
the jQuery team...

-- Klaus

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