Abel Tamayo wrote:
> Ok, this is a noob question, but what is the fastest, cross-browser 
> way to obtain the mouse coordenates? I've found tons of info about 
> this in google, but it all seemed a little bit dated (with comments 
> about Netscape 4 and the war of browsers all the time).
> Thanks.
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  It depends on what mouse coorldinates you're looking for -- 
coordinates on page or coordinates in viewport. See;

  What is *VERY* cool about jquery is that it "fixes" the event data! 
This means you don't need to code a nasty platform detection/workaround, 
and can just use event.pageX & event.pageY  for instance.

  E.g. to continually output the coords on page, you can do;

<script type="text/javascript">
       $('body').append('X-CORD: '+ e.pageX +' Y-CORD:'+ e.pageY +'<br />');

~ BRice

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