Tinymce support really does appear to be bad :/ I tend
to not have any questions answered over in the support

I found this:

I haven't read the entire thing fully, but it appears
to be solving the ajax/tinymce issue in some cases.
Maybe it will help you out?


--- ® / Robb Irrgang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> sorry to bump this but I'm wondering if anyone knows
> how to resolve my
> problem with jquery and tinymce.
> basically, when i dynamically create a textarea and
> try to run the
> tinyMCE init to replace it with a tinyMCE'd
> instance... i get a slew
> of JS errors and i think it's related to object
> scope and such.
> http://media.subdue.com/tiny_headache/
> help? i'm lost.
> On 1/21/07, (r) / Robb Irrgang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I'm trying to do something that should be fairly
> simple... dynamically
> > create a textframe (in my example below, via
> .html(), but you can imagine
> > the textframe in question coming in via ajax
> [well, ajah]) and then apply
> > the tinyMCE stuff to the textarea to make it a
> rich editor.
> >
> > http://media.subdue.com/tiny_headache/
> >
> > now, there seems to be some odd scope problem,
> since the initial tinyMCE
> > object seems to exist and accepts the init call,
> but after that the errors
> > start piling on. I'm seeing no mention of this
> anywhere else... Help?
> >
> >
> > Robb
> > --
> > (r)
> -- 
> (r)
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