Noticed this story on Ajaxian today!

I haven't had a chance to look at it yet myself, but looks like it might be interesting for developing apps, especially with the offline capabilities coming up in Firefox 3, I could see some nice thin-client apps.

From Ajaxian:

Have you ever wished that you could |getPercentRemaining()| to find out the battery charge left in a users device, or |getProtocolRateTx()| to find out about the connectivity of a device?

These are some of the methods available in the Intel Web 2.0 Technology Development Kit (TDK) <>.

   Imagine if your Web 2.0 application could be aware of the platform
   it is running on and its environment. It could, for example,
   leverage multi-core power to provide more immersive user interfaces,
   postpone certain tasks during low power situations, avoid network
   traffic over low bandwidth/high latency connections, etc.

   The Intel® Web 2.0 Technology Development Kit (TDK) allows
   developers to learn about the platform’s configuration, e.g.
   display, storage, processor, and the platform’s context, e.g.
   bandwidth, connectivity, power and location, etc. within a browser
   using JavaScript.

   The Intel® Web 2.0 TDK contains documentation and full source code
   (C++ and JavaScript) for IE 6/7 and Firefox. The code can be
   incorporated directly in your extensions or JavaScript libraries,
   and be redistributed royalty free.

I have to admit… I wouldn’t have guessed that this would be the next API out of Intel!

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