Brice Burgess schreef:
> Regarding; <input type="image" src="a.gif" />
> Using Firebug's (FF 2) net monitoring,  I noticed that every time I 
> switched the src of an input image it would request the new src image 
> from HTTP. FF simply does not cache these images. This is kind of 
> annoying because it can waste a lot of bandwith or slow the user 
> experience down --  especially when involving a lot of hovers, or 
> frequent hover overs such as the close button of a modal window.
> I noticed this while looking @ the close button of jqModal. You can see 
> a demonstration @ the jqModal page, or better yet, see;  
> The w3schools uses a background change on a text input, while jqModal 
> changes the src of an image input. The reasons for the input is that it 
> takes the focus() event, and allows you to "tab into it". Regardless of 
> the method.. I was able to rack up 103kb by moving my mouse back & 
> fourth for 10 seconds in the w3schools example. Not major.. but NOT 
> So.. here is my way around this -- which I'll work into jqModal examples 
> once I get some feedback on it. Vs. changing the source, I inline both 
> versions of the input (the "over" & the "out"), alternating their 
> display value.
> <div>
> <input type="image" src="close.gif" class="jqmOut" />
> <input type="image" src="close_hover.gif" class="jqmOver hidden" />
> </div>
> ---
> <script type="text/javascript">
> $().ready(function() {
> $('input.jqmOut')
>     .mouseover(function(){ 
> $(this).hide().siblings('input.jqmOver').show();  $})
>     .focus(function(){ var 
> f=$(this).hide().siblings('input.jqmOver').show()[0]; f.hideFocus=true; 
> f.focus(); });
> $('input.jqmOver')
>     .mouseout(function(){ 
> $(this).hide().siblings('input.jqmOut').show();  $})
>     .blur(function(){ $(this).hide().siblings('input.jqmOut').show(); });
> });
> </script>
> (( the hideFocus() is for aesthetic purposes involving IE ))
> Anyhow.. does anyone have any thoughts on this topic? Or can this be 
> improved upon?
> Regards,
> ~ Brice  (another one of those 3am posts... ;) )
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I saw a css technique where the initial and the mouseover image where 
one image and they swiched them with by showing only that part of the 
picture that was needed.
I can't find it back right now but i think it was on a list apart.

i got an article here :

David Duymelinck

jQuery mailing list

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