On 16/02/07, matt2012 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Im using jqModal to pop up a dialog with a page loaded using ajax load(...)
> in the remote page is a text area that I want to be converted to tinymce.
> The code below is the latest failed effort, do I need the plugin?
> Its the tinyMCE.init where it falls down going to a white page where it
> endlessly
> searches for textareas to convert.
> someone enlighten me!
> Matt.
> $('#dialog2')
>         .jqm({
>                 trigger: 'a.remote2',
>                 overlay: 0,
>                 closeClass: 'jqmdClose'},
>                 function(h) {
> $('.jqmdMSG').load('thePage.php',function(){formatform()});
>                 },
>                 onClose /
> );
> function formatform() {
> $.getScript("http://www.fst-is.org.uk/js/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js";, function(){
> loadtiny()  });
> function loadtiny() {
>         tinyMCE.init({
>         mode : "textareas",
>         theme : "advanced",
>         editor_selector : "mceAdvanced"
> });
> --

Try it without using the full url (i.e. use /js/tiny_mcs/tinby_mce.js)

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