Hi all,

I want to announce a new plugin for jQuery. I hope you like it.


jQuick Tag Creator for jQuery

*How it works *

Suppose you want to obtain the following html code:

   <div class="big">
       <span id="one" class="ps">Hello Joe<i>!</i></span>

Using jQuick you could create the corresponding DOM elements with the following code:

       $.SPAN({id:'one','class':'ps'},'Hello Joe',$.I({},'!'))

Now suppose that you want to animate the SPAN element. You could write:

               'Hello Joe',$.I({},'!')
           ).animate({left: 50, opacity: 'show'}, 1000)

With jQuery 1.1.1, if you want to preserve spaces, you could apply a little fix to the jQuery clean method changing the line 449 from:

   var s = jQuery.trim(arg), ...


   var s = /^\s+</.test(arg) ? jQuery.trim(arg) : arg, ...

so that only the tags are trimmed.

jQuick supports all XHTML Strict and Frameset DTD tags but you can add what you want.
jQuick was inspired by DOM Creation by Michael Geary (http://mg.to).

Enjoy it!

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