Dustin Cram wrote:
> Hi,
> I've run into the same problem of needing to bind events to elements
> loaded remotely.  Rather than doing this manually in the OnOpen I've
> modified jqModal a bit so that jqm() supports a third, onLoad()
> callback so I can do:
> ****************
> $('#loginBox').jqm(
>   {ajax: some_url, trigger: 'trigger'},
>   false,
>   false,
>   function(h) { $("#my_button", h.w).bind("click", my_handler); }
> );
> ****************
> Is this something that could be added to jqModal?
> If anyone is interested the patched jqModal can be grabbed at
> http://gigs.cx/jqModal.js

 Nice addition. I am considering adding something like this to the 
base.. but there do exist two alternative methods -- a) using a $.load() 
with a callback in the onOpen function  &&  b) including script in the 
remote response -- e.g. using the example above, include;

<script type="text/javascript">
$('#my_button').bind("click", my_handler);

in some_url.

  Keep in mind that jqModal strives to stay on a diet.. do you still see 
the onLoad callback as an essential?

~ Brice

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