On 2/21/07, Klaus Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Chris Ovenden schrieb:
> Hi All
> I have searched Google and my archives of this list, and can't find an
> API for the history plugin. Is there one, somewhere?
> Thanks!
> Chris

Chris, you'll find the documentation inline.


After all, there is not much API:

Enable history for an Ajax driven link:


Such a link will load content from the URL of its href attribute into an
element with the id "output". (You can put in any selector suported by
jQuery or a DOM element).

You still have to activate history:


There is an undocumented feature. If you have links that do not load
Ajax content but have attached some handler on the click event (for
example showing a part of the page) you can history-enable that link as


I'll write up a little tutorial as soon as possible.

Thanks, Klaus! I'll give it a try.


Chris Ovenden

"Imagine all the people / Sharing all the world"
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