Jake McGraw wrote:
> Brice and Brandon, thanks for the replies, I didn't mean to cause so 
> much trouble ;). Since this is something I'm doing to work, I'll make 
> use of your fixes on Monday and let you know how it goes. Thanks again!
> - jake

  Hah.. no worries! I've actually updated the plugin with various IE 
fixes, and relased R8 ( http://dev.iceburg.net/jquery/jqModal ) -- so no 
need to worry about that patch.

  Included in R8 is the IE crash fix, the IE "hash has no properties" 
fix, and the IE6 iframe now covers the dialog element (vs. entire page) 
to allow interaction with the underlying page when overlay is disabled.

  Let me know if anything else comes up.

~ Brice

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