Klaus Hartl wrote:
>>  $('#mailing').enableTab(1).triggerTab(1);  does not work, for instance.
> Brice, I think something else went wrong there. On a simple test page
> that works fine for me:
> http://stilbuero.de/jquery/tabs/test.html
> Maybe you can show some more code here...
Klaus, did you try it w/ remote: true; && disabled tabs? Something like;

<div id="mailing">
    <ul class="anchors">
        <li class="tabs-disabled"><a 
        <li class="tabs-disabled"><a 
        <li class="tabs-disabled"><a 
        <li class="tabs-disabled"><a 

<script type="text/javascript">

    $('#mailing').tabs({remote: true}});

(( remember, I need to submit a form on tab click, and only activate the 
clicked tab IF the form returns valid (server side validation ))

>> I think the easiest/less ugly way to go about this is to intercept 
>> (cancel) the onClick event if it returns false. This way I could submit 
>> the form in the onClick and return false. When the form response comes 
>> back, I can then either trigger the tab, or alert the error message.
>> Does this make any sense?
> I'm not overall sure. Would that be expected behavior? Implementation
> wouldn't be to difficult, so I could do that, but maybe we can work out
> a solution with the existing code...
The behavior does not seem obscure to me, and seems to offer more 
function than none at all -- in fact, it follows the flow of the general 
event system. Like I said, I could not come up with a more elegant 
solution... although look forward to any of your suggestions.

~ Brice

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