hi klaus,

- first it seemed to work, now it doesn't. do you or anyone know or
understand why the following freezes internet explorer (as also noted
by SNF)? your tipp on the url below works fine, but the bit you posted
about making this work for background images as well makes IE6 freeze.
any help appreciated.



this freezes IE6:

* html .png {
    behaviour: expression(
        this.runtimeStyle.filter =
'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="' +
this.runtimeStyle.backgroundImage + '", sizingMethod="image")',
        this.runtimeStyle.backgroundImage = 'none'

> It's not jQuery, but a CSS "pure" solution I made (well, it relies on
> Dynamic Properties, e.g. JavaScript, but you put it into a style sheet):
> http://www.stilbuero.de/2006/03/15/png-alpha-transparency-fast-and-easy/
> I could make a plugin out of that as well maybe. This works for pngs
> included via img element. If you follow the comments there's a solution
> for CSS background images as well...
> -- Klaus

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