On 27/02/07, Klaus Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wilfred Nas schrieb:
> > Klaus,
> >
> > you are right, my fault (too lazy with copy and pasting as it is still
> > early)
> >
> > but Doctype does matter when rendering, see
> >
> > http://www.quirksmode.org/css/quirksmode.html
> Yes I know - thats why I pointed out, that the xml declaration will put
> IE into quirks mode again :-)
> -- Klaus

In IE it doesn't make a difference in rendering whether you use HTML4
or XHTML as the DOCTYPE. You could probably even have HTML 3 as the
DOCTYPE and still have it render the same.

Mozilla on the other hand, does sniff DOCTYPE:

3 modes: Full Standards Mode, Almost Standards Mode (only for HTML 4 /
XHTML 1.0 Transitional / Frameset) and Quirks Mode.

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