David -

I think the "catch" was the very last item that was mentioned on the
page: Grouping all "inline" JS snippets into a single file. That's
what makes the plugin all worth it.


On 3/2/07, David Duymelinck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> François Zaninotto schreef:
> > I'm not sure I get you... All the helpers described in the blog post are
> > bundled with the plugin. Or do you mean something else?
> >
> >
> Why would you need to have a function that writes inline javascript code
> if the whole idea of the plugin is to generate unobtrusive javascript.
> I'm talking about the
> UJS_write function to be exact.
> http://www.symfony-project.com/trac/wiki/sfUJSPlugin#Addingsomecontentunobtrusively
> It is this example that confused me.
> <?php UJS_write('<a href="#" onclick="$(\'#foobar\').toggle();return 
> false;">click me</a>') ?>
> Isn't it better to write it as
> <?php
> UJS_write('<a href="#" class="toggle">click me</a>');
> UJS_add_behaviour('a.toggle', 'click', "$('#foobar').toggle();return false;");
> ?>
> If you go unobtrusive go unobtrusive all the way :)
> Once i get around to learning how to use symfony i will definitively give 
> your helper a try. I bet this will amaze my more code challenged colleagues :)
> --
> David Duymelinck
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