
We are doing just that on PokerRoom.com for messages and gift-vouchers
(previewing a message/gift-voucher before sending). What we actually
do is the following (not my code, just a schematic of how it is solved
on PokerRoom.com):
//Serialize the form using the form-plugin and populate an object with
all parameters within the form
var oParams = {};       
for(i = 0; oItem = oForm.serialize().vars[i]; i++) {
        oParams[oItem.name] = oItem.value;
/*Attach a parameter to the action-attribute saying that the action
the server-side controller needs to accomplish is a preview (we do not
want the controller to send the message) */
$("#previewMessage").load( oForm.attr('action') + "?action=preview", oParams,
//When load is done, fire Thickbox with the inline content.
function() {
                        TB_show('Message Preview',

Best regards,
Mattias Hising (hising.net)
Front-End Architect on PokerRoom.com

On 3/4/07, Seb Duggan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm working on a CMS application, and want to create a preview button.
> What I want it to do is take the form content, pass it to a preview
> page which will be loaded into a Thickbox (or similar) overlay, but
> not submit the main form.
> The content of the form is likely to be too long to send as GET data,
> so POST will be required.
> Any ideas?
> Seb
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