Hi again!

(Second question in as many days...  I guess I'm the overeager noob.  :) )

Last night I watched John Resig's screencast "Hacking Digg with Firebug and
jQuery" ( highly recommended, BTW:
http://ejohn.org/blog/hacking-digg-with-firebug-and-jquery/ ) and I
immediately went to one of my favorite webapps and tried to put to use the
ideas he presented, but right out of the gate I crashed against frames.

Or at least I think that's what the problem was.  For example, when I tried
to evaluate jQuery expressions like $("div"), the result printed by Firebug
was [ ], even though, according to Firebug's inspector, the page I was
trying to dissect had plenty of divs.  (BTW, this seemed odd to me, since it
seems somehow to go against the "find things, do stuff" philosophy.)

Anyway, I did get reasonable-looking results when I tried $("frameset") and
$("frame"), but I can't figure out how to get past this point.

(BTW, I did try Firefox's "Show only this frame" command, but the server
basically vetoes the request and sends all the frames anyway.)

So my question is, can jQuery handle frames?  More specifically, what jQuery
functions would one use to find and manipulate the contents of a frame?

And what about iframes?

Thanks in advance!


PS: I scanned the documentation in http://docs.jquery.com/DOM/Traversing ,
but I didn't find an answer.
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