Good morning, all.

Can't get any reaction from the validation code.

Here's my script and html. what's wrong with it?
(I've included my show/hide script and my CalculateMortgage
script in case there's a conflict)

The Mortgage Calculation still runs fine, but when I submit the
form without an entry I get a CF error stating that the expression
that calculates the payment can't be evaluated.

Isn't the validation code supposed to prevent submission when
a form field is blank?  And in this case, with debug on, it should
stop all submissions?

But, it's pretty much like the validation code is not even active.
I don't get any kind of response from it.




<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.1.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.validate.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {
nction() {
         var answer = $(this).next();
         if (':visible')) {
         } else {


<script type="text/javascript">

    function CalculateMortgage(){

        var Params = {};
        // select all inputs of type text
            Params[$(this).attr("name")] = $(this).val();
                  // "post" the form.  The Param object mimics form fields
                        $.post("Mortgage_Calculation.cfm", Params,
                                // this is the processing function.
                                // append what you get back to the element
with ID = Result after clearing its contents


<script type="text/javascript">

        $.validator.defaults.debug = true;
        $().ready(function() {

                // validate Mortgage_Calculation_Form on keyup and submit
                        event: "keyup",
                        rules: {
                                Principal: { required: true },
                                Interest: { required: true },
                                Years: { required: true },

                        messages: {
                                Principal: "Please enter the Principal.",
                                Interest: "Please enter the Interest Rate.",
                                Years: "Please enter the Years.",

And here's the pertinent html:

<div class="calc">

    <table class="clickMe" width="418">

            <td style="font: Arial Helvetica San-Serif;
                       font-weight: normal;
                       font-size: 12px;
                       text-align: center;
                       cursor: hand;
                       padding-bottom: 10px;">
                       <u>Click here</u> to calculate mortgage payment.


<div class="showMe">

    <form id="Mortgage_Calculation_Form" Method="Post" Action="">

    <table width="418">


            <td style="width: 202px;
                       padding-right: 4px;
                       font: Arial Helvetica San-Serif;
                       font-weight: bold;
                       font-size: 12px;
                       text-align: right;">
                       <label for="Principal">Principal</label>

            <td style="width 202px;
                       text-align: left;">
                       <INPUT id="Principal" Name="Principal" Type="Text"
Value="#Get_Property_Details.Sale_Price#" Size="14" Class="TextInput01">



            <td style="width: 202px;
                       padding-right: 4px;
                       font: Arial Helvetica San-Serif;
                       font-weight: bold;
                       font-size: 12px;
                       text-align: right;">
                       <label for="Interest">Interest Rate</label>

            <td style="width 202px;
                       text-align: left;">
                       <INPUT id="Interest" Name="Interest" Type="Text"
Value="6" Size="14" Class="TextInput01">



            <td style="width: 202px;
                       padding-right: 4px;
                       font: Arial Helvetica San-Serif;
                       font-weight: bold;
                       font-size: 12px;
                       text-align: right;">
                       <label for="Years">Years</label>

            <td style="width 202px;
                       text-align: left;">
                       <INPUT id="Years" Name="Years" Type="Text" Value="30"
Size="14" Class="TextInput01">



            <td style="width: 202px;
                       padding-right: 4px;
                       font: Arial Helvetica San-Serif;
                       font-weight: bold;
                       font-size: 12px;
                       text-align: right;">

            <td style="width 202px;
                       text-align: left;
                       font: Arial Helvetica San-Serif;
                       font-size: 12px;">
                       <span id="Result"></span>



            <td style="width: 202px;
                       padding-right: 4px;
                       font: Arial Helvetica San-Serif;
                       font-weight: bold;
                       font-size: 12px;
                       text-align: right;">

            <td style="width 202px;
                       text-align: left;
                       font: Arial Helvetica San-Serif;
                       font-size: 12px;">
                       <INPUT Class="Submit" Value="Submit" Type="Submit"
onClick="CalculateMortgage();return false;">






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