Hi Joel,

This may sound crazy but try applying a width property to the menus. I ran
into a similar problem in developing my plugin and IE was a goof unless a
width was applied and once I did that the animations went smoothly.


On 3/9/07, Joel Birch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

I am experimenting with my Superfish plugin to see how it works with
more than two tiers of menu. It does seem to work. However, I seem to
have run into a bug or at least a limitation with the animation part
of jQuery. Here is a link to my demo page in the making so you can
see the bug in action:

The first nested ul elements (second menu tier) use position absolute
and they fadeIn fine. The second nested ul elements (third menu tier)
also use position absolute and whilst I know the animation code is
running on them when its parent li is hovered, they do not fadeIn but
instead just appear once the animation code has finished. A few
interesting things of note:

- If I make the third level of menu use position relative the menu
looks crazy (of course) but you can see that all levels of menu
fadeIn correctly, ie. you can see the animation working.

- If I keep them using position absolute (as they need to be) but
delete the 'left' property, you can also tell that the animation is
working again despite the menu being positioned wrong.

Can anyone think of why this combination of CSS (which is required
for this type of dropdown menu) would stop animations from working?
Or is this a jQuery bug? Note that the problem occurs regardless of
what type of animation you use.

Thanks in advance. Please let me know if there is any way I can alter
the demo page to help figure this out - but I may be a few hours
getting back as its a crazy hour here and I need to hit the hay.

Joel Birch.

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