
I'm doing a dropdown using the show/hide script jquery-latest.
One thing is that for a blogroll the client has, about 900px long, if I 
don;t shorten it a lot when its opened the sidebar its in vanished (ie6). 
When its short its fine.
Is this usual or heard of?

Second part is I am using an image background for the dropdowns, wanting one 
to show open and one when closed.

<h2 class="closed"><a style="text-decoration:none"  name="return" href="#" 
class="menu2">Show Categories</a></h2>
<div style="border:0" id="menu3">
links here
<a style="font-size: 11px" href="#return" class="menu2"><b>Hide</b></a>

h2 has a background image which I want to change when its open...
I don't expect anyone to teach me js here as I'm a noob and learning, but 
can anyone point in the right direction for the image swap?

Thanks a lot,

Bruce Prochnau
bkdesign solutions 

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