Matt Kruse schrieb:
> I was just reading through some of the jQuery code again to better learn its
> internals, and I'm not sure why the globalEval function exists in its current
> form.
> Whenever I want to eval something in the global context, I always do:
>       Function(data)();
> since the Function constructor doesn't create a closure. This seems much
> simpler than the current logic, expecially for Safari - but I admit that I
> haven't done much cross-browser checking. Do some browsers not support the
> above syntax, or is there some other reason for using the long globalEval
> logic?
I guess either that doesn't work cross-browser or noone came up with 
that solution so far. I haven't seen it, so odds aren't too bad it 
works. Good to know.

Jörn Zaefferer

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