Please add:

        StructKeyExists: function(s,k){
                for(var n in s){
                        if (n == k) return true;
                return false;

Shall we post additions and updates here?

Christopher Jordan wrote:
> Hi fellow jQuerians!
> I've just published a new plug-in that adds 42 handy ColdFusion 
> functions to the jQuery object. The methods are designed to behave like 
> their ColdFusion counterparts.
> Here's the list:
> Abs(number)
> ArrayAppend(array, value)
> ArrayLen(array)
> ArraySort(array, sort_type [, sort_order ])
> ArrayToList(array [, delimiter ])
> Ceiling(number)
> Compare(string1, string2)
> CompareNoCase(string1, string2)
> DateDiff(datepart, date1, date2)
> DecimalFormat(number)
> DollarFormat(number)
> Find(substring, string)
> FindNoCase(substring, string)
> Insert(substring, string, position)
> IsDate(date)
> IsNumeric(string)
> LCase(string)
> Left(string, count)
> Len(sting)
> ListAppend(list, value, [, delimiters])
> ListDeleteAt(list, position [, delimiters ])
> ListFind(list, value [, delimiters ]))
> ListFindNoCase(list, value [, delimiters ]))
> ListFirst(list, [, delimiters ])
> ListGetAt(list, position [, delimiters ]))
> ListLast(list, [, delimiters ])
> ListLen(list [, delimiters])
> ListToArray(list [, delimiters])
> LTrim(string)
> Mid(string, start, count)
> Replace(string, substring1, substring2 [, scope ])
> ReplaceNoCase(string, substring1, substring2 [, scope])
> Reverse(string)
> Right(string, count)
> Round(number [, number of decimal places])
> RTrim(string)
> StructKeyList (struct [, delimiter])
> StructKeyArray (struct)
> Trim(string)
> UCase(string)
> URLDecode(string)
> URLEncodedFormat(string)
> I have plans for at least a few more ColdFusion functions in a future 
> version.
> visit: to download the code. There is not a packed 
> version yet.
> I find these functions useful, and while ColdFusion coders may be the 
> first to benefit, maybe folks from other languages might find them 
> useful as well. I'd love to hear suggestions and comments.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> -- 
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