
Isn't this the same issue you've been working on for awhile now?


Rick Faircloth wrote:
> Hi, all...
> I'm trying to validate form inputs (individually onblur) and post a form
> to calculate a mortgage payment.
> This method involves jQuery on the client side
> and ColdFusion on the server side for validation.
> I've worked out the validation with no lingering problems.
> I can't figure out how to submit the form.
> Online demo:
> http://bodaford.whitestonemedia.com/html/trial_field_validation.cfm
> Here's the jQ I've got:
> <script type="text/javascript">
>     // Define CalculateMortgage in the global scope so that it is always
> accessible
>         function CalculateMortgage(){
>             var Params = {};
>             // select all inputs of type text
>             $("input:text").each(function(){
>             Params[$(this).attr("name")] = $(this).val();
>             }); // closes input:text function
>             // "post" the form.  The Param object mimics form fields
>             $.post("callpage_Validate_Mortgage_Inputs.cfm", Params,
> function(data){
>             // this is the processing function.
>             // append what you get back to the element with ID = Result
> after clearing its contents
>             $("#Result").empty().append(data);
>             } // closes post function
>             ); // closes ( after .post 
>         } // closes { after CalculateMortgage = function() {
>     //$.validator.defaults.debug = true;      
>       $(document).ready(function(){
>               $("#Principal").blur(function(){ 
>               $.post("callpage_Validate_Mortgage_Inputs.cfm",
> {principal:$("#Principal").val()},
>               function (data) {$("#Result_Principal").empty().append(data)
> } ) });
>               $("#Interest").blur(function(){
>               $.post("callpage_Validate_Mortgage_Inputs.cfm",
> {interest:$("#Interest").val()},
>               function (data) {$("#Result_Interest").empty().append(data)
> }) });
>               $("#Years").blur(function(){
> $.post("callpage_Validate_Mortgage_Inputs.cfm",{years:$("#Years").val()},
>               function (data) {$("#Result_Years").empty().append(data) })
> });
>       });
> </script>
> Here's my HTML:
> <Form id="Calculate_Mortgage" Name="Calculate_Mortgage">
> <table>
>       <tr>
>               <td>
>                       <Span id="Result_Principal"></span>
>               </td>
>       </tr>
>       <tr>
>               <td>
>                       Principal: <INPUT ID="Principal" Name="Principal"
> Type="Text" Value="" Size="20" Class="TextInput01">
>               </td>
>       </tr>
>       <tr>
>               <td>
>                       <Span id="Result_Interest"></span>
>               </td>
>       </tr>
>       <tr>
>               <td>
>                       Interest: <INPUT ID="Interest" Name="Interest"
> Type="Text" Value="" Size="20" Class="TextInput01">
>               </td>
>       </tr>
>       <tr>
>               <td>
>                       <Span id="Result_Years"></Span>
>               </td>
>       </tr>
>       <tr>
>               <td>
>                       Years: <INPUT ID="Years" Name="Years" Type="Text"
> Value="" Size="20" Class="TextInput01">
>               </td>
>       </tr>
>       <tr>
>               <td>
>                       Result:<Span ID="Result"></Span>
>               </td>
>       </tr>
>       <tr>
>               <td>
>                       <INPUT ID="Calculate" Name="Calculate" Type="Submit"
> Value="Calculate">
>               </td>
>       </tr>
> </table>
> </Form>
> And here's my CF validation and Calculate Payment page:
> <CFSET Principal_Error_Message = "">
> <CFSET Interest_Error_Message = "">
> <CFSET Years_Error_Message = "">
> <CFIF IsDefined("Form.Principal")>
>               <CFIF Len(Trim(Form.Principal)) and Not
> IsNumeric(REReplace(Form.Principal, "[.$,]","","All"))>
>                       <CFSET Principal_Error_Message = "Please enter a
> valid dollar amount.">
>               <CFELSEIF Not Len(Trim(Form.Principal))>
>                       <CFSET Principal_Error_Message = "Please enter a
> value for the Principal.">
>               </CFIF>
>       <CFOUTPUT>#Principal_Error_Message#</CFOUTPUT>
> </CFIF>
> <CFIF IsDefined("Form.Interest")>
>               <CFIF Len(Trim(Form.Interest)) and Not
> IsNumeric(REReplace(Form.Interest, "[.]","","All"))>
>                       <CFSET Interest_Error_Message = "Please enter a
> valid Interest Rate.">
>               <CFELSEIF Not Len(Trim(Form.Interest))>
>                       <CFSET Interest_Error_Message = "Please enter a
> value for the Interest Rate.">
>               </CFIF>
>       <CFOUTPUT>#Interest_Error_Message#</CFOUTPUT>
> </CFIF>
> <CFIF IsDefined("Form.Years")>
>               <CFIF Not Len(Trim(Form.Years))>
>                       <CFSET Years_Error_Message = "Please enter the
> number of years.">
>               </CFIF>
>               <CFIF Len(Trim(REReplace(Form.Years, "[0-9]","","All")))
>                 and Not IsNumeric(REReplace(Trim(Form.Years),
> "[0-9]","","All"))>
>                    <CFSET Years_Error_Message = "Please enter a valid
> number for years.">
>               </CFIF>
>       <CFOUTPUT>#Years_Error_Message#</CFOUTPUT>
> </CFIF>
> <CFIF IsDefined("Form.Principal")
>   and IsDefined("Form.Interest")
>   and IsDefined("Form.Years")>
> <CFIF Principal_Error_Message is ""
>   and Interest_Error_Message is ""
>   and Years_Error_Message is "">
>      <CFSET Interest = Form.Interest/(12*100)>
>        <CFSET
> Payment=Form.Principal*(Interest/(1-(1+Interest)^-(Form.Years*12)))>
>        <CFCONTENT Reset="yes"><CFOUTPUT>#DollarFormat(Payment)#</CFOUTPUT>
> </CFIF>
> </CFIF>
> Why won't this work together?
> How can I put it together?
> I'd love to use a submitHandler with Jorn's Validation plug-in
> to prevent submission of the form as long as there are errors.
> Is that possible?
> Thanks for any help!
> Rick
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