Thanks mucho.  just getting around to trying this... I'm actually  
working on a rollover behavior at the moment, but used your technique  
to loop through each of the boxes and it's fantastic.

I may run into a question as I use it more, but I think I'm getting  
the hang of this.  Thanks again for your example...

- B

On Mar 12, 2007, at 5:36 PM, Daemach wrote:

> I'm relatively new as well but I might be able to shed some light.
> This is one generic method:
>                               $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]").each(function() {
>                                               $(this).click(function(){
>                                               var $$ = $(this);
>                                               if 
> ($$.parents("div").children("div.addContent").is(":hidden")){
> $$.parents("div").siblings("div").children 
> ("div.addContent:visible").children(".floater").fadeOut("slow",
> function(){
> $(this).parents("div.addContent").slideUp("slow", function  
> () {
> $$.children(".handle").hide().end().parents("div").children 
> ("div.addContent").slideDown("slow",function(){
> $(this).children(".floater").fadeIn("slow");    
>                                                                       });
>                                                               })
>                                                       });
>                                               }
>                                       });
>                               });
> First, when you're looping over results from a selector you should  
> use the
> "each" function, which puts each element in the selector results  
> array in
> the "this" scope.  this function, for example, finds all  
> elements
> that are children of divs that have an id that begins with "home"  
> then sets
> their click handlers using "this".
> I'm not certain that this long of a chain would be considered a best
> practice, but it is doable.  One of the best ways to see what jQuery
> selectors are returning is by trying the selectors in the firebug  
> console or
> using console.log($("myselector")) in your code.  you can log the  
> "this"
> scope in anonymous functions to see what they are being handed.
> regarding order of events, I would say it's up to you.  play with  
> it until
> you like what you're getting.  On the fadeins/outs above you may  
> consider
> putting the images/text into table cells or use absolute  
> positioning to keep
> the image from collapsing and expanding.  The movement of the text  
> makes the
> animation kind of jerky.
> Brendon Bushman wrote:
>> hello all-
>> I'm new to jquery, and a novice javascript coder with a basic working
>> knowledge of OOP from java.  I'm trying to create some animated boxes
>> for a client page- right now, i have a basic motion test with
>> placeholders just to see how this would work here:
>> You can look at the page to see the BASE behavior I'm looking for.
>> And If you take a look at the code, it's nasty- I've got a series of
>> statements tied to custom click events for each link, which act on
>> each box accordingly.
>> Ideally, I'd like to genericize this so that the action of opening
>> one box and closing the others is as simple as possible; I see two
>> ways to do this:
>> 1. Using a combination of the "this" statement and whatever parental
>> transversal techniques I would need to automatically identify the
>> enclosing box, and then then do the rest... but I'm quite unclear on
>> using "this", and not sure of the best way to have a set of functions
>> that run on both the parent and various other children of that  
>> parent.
>> 2. Write my own function that gets tied to the onclick even in the
>> html, that passes in the enclosing div name, i.e. onclick="divOpen
>> (homeIR);" and pass that along to the requisite jquery statements
>> within the function.  But again, not sure the best way to identify
>> the other divs.  My other concern with this method is specifying and
>> calling it from the HTML... is this less accessible or otherwise a
>> compromise from being able to trigger the event from within the
>> document.ready function like I am now?
>> or maybe some combination thereof.
>> Also, some related questions:
>> 1. is my best way to control order of operations (i.e. CLOSE the
>> other Div BEFORE you open the one that is clicked) using the callback
>> portion of a function?
>> 2. ultimately, just like my fading image now, I may have a number of
>> fades and other actions on children of the opening and closing DIVs
>> that would get built into this.  Does that change the answer to my
>> main question?
>> 3. Obviously, there may be a far more elegant way to do all of this -
>> if I'm barking up the wrong tree, just say so. :)
>> Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this...
>> best,
>> Brendon
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