
sorry, this is could a little of topic:

Maybe some of you already found jquery.de and wondered what's it all about
and why there isn't happening anything:

I registered jquery.de a year ago, just befor jquery got really popular.
As I'm not a big mailing list fan I thought it would be nice to have a
german speaking jQuery forum.

I contacted John and told him about my plans and he thought it was okay,
but told me, that he is also working on a multi language webpage based on
Drupal for jQuery and we could also link jquery.de to the German part of
his "new" webpage.

We agreed to wait until his page is ready and not go on with a seperate
forum. Unfortunately almost one year hast past now and nothing happend.

I was contacted by Paul Bakaus of the jQuery developing team two month
ago, but all attempts to get in touch again faild.

So I was wandering what you poeple think about this. Should we wait until
hopefully one day the multi language page will be ready, or should we go
on and try to create a German speaking support forum on our own?

Don't get me wrong, I do not plan to create competition for this mailing
list or something where I get money out of it.
Nor is this ment to be any critcism for the development team or John.
I simply want to know, how to go on with jquery.de

Best regards, Michael

jQuery mailing list

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