Hi Everyone -

As you've probably noticed, the mailing list has been very very flaky
the past couple days. Primarily, this is due to the fact that the
amount of traffic coming to the server is entirely overwhelming.

Currently, we're receiving about 260,000 web hits/day in addition to
sending out about 150,000 emails/day.

Up until this point I've been content to host the mailing list on this
server, with the hope that the list would eventually be moved to a
forum, of some sort. However, the strain of adding in an additional
web application, combined with the continued sending of hundreds of
thousands of emails, is simply more than what our server (and
"sysadmin" [me] can take).

I've talked it over with a number of people and they feel that Google
Groups is an adequate substitute for both a mailing list and a
general-purpose forum, and I tend to agree. The usability of Google
Groups is a huge factor; it will help users to more-easily sign-up and
participate at their leisure.

I had considered moving over to Google Groups before, but I was never
able to find a way to import all of our old messages. Thankfully, I
now figured out a way; making the move completely possible.

Tonight at 10pm EST (0300 GMT) I will be making a final posting to
this mailing list, and will close it down. The final messages will be
moved over to the new mailing list, located here (it's currently

Currently, I have everything but March's messages, and all of your
subscriptions, moved over. I will be doing both of those tonight. (You
should receive an email notification alerting you once you've been
subscribed to the group.) I will do my best to maintain your current
email notification settings.

I hope everyone is ok with this move. I think it's for the best.
Please let me know if you have any serious concerns. Thanks!


jQuery mailing list

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