Brad -

He's referring to the fact that the group is currently closed and
"invite only". I will be adding everyone from the mailing list tonight
when I make the final switch over. I want to have a controlled
environment in which I can move everything over to. Having people
posting over there kind of messes that up.


On 3/21/07, Brad Perkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/21/07, amircx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > its ok but how can i write ? its tells me its for members only and i need
> > invite for that
> >
> You don't need an invitation.
> If you go to, you should find a link that allows you to
> signup for a Google (not Gmail) account. You can use your regular
> e-mail address for that.
> -- Brad
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> jQuery mailing list

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