> Hi,
> looks like I hadn't got the new CSS, so now it is fixed - many thanks. :)
> The second image is showing the datepicker off the edge of the screen, and
> the user can't scroll to it.
> Could the screen edge be detected and the datepicker flipped to the other
> side of the icon?
> Jez


Ah - I see. I thought that was just how you cropped the screenshot!

At the moment the date picker doesn't detect the edge of the screen and 
position itself sensibly. This is on my TODO list and would definitely 
be a useful feature...

In the meantime, you can do the change through CSS. See lines 64 and 73 
of my CSS file. You could change both of these values to flip which side 
the date picker appeared on globally. Alternatively , you could do 
something like I show in this demo:

Hope that helps,

Kelvin :)

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