Hi all,
Some feedback from me. We have attempted to have a split workshop over two weeks, but our experience is a large amount of "no-show" on the second week. I would not recommend it.

Maxime Boissonneault
Analyste de calcul - Calcul Québec, Université Laval
Président - Comité de coordination du soutien à la recherche de Calcul Québec
Team lead - Research Support National Team, Compute Canada
Instructeur Software Carpentry
Ph. D. en physique

On 2018-12-05 5:22 PM, nicholdav via discuss wrote:
Hi Raniere, Meredith, and Maneesha,

Okay, good to know (a) I'm not the only one who felt weird about this and (b) other people have experimented with a more spread out version and reported back. Looks like they address some of the exact questions we had. Thanks!

We definitely plan to include all the core SWC lessons.

If we end up spreading it over two weekends, we will report back and let you know about our experience.

Appreciate it!
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